
wowee! this page is unfinished and incredibly ugly! please do not proceed. I'm trying to merge another page onto this one, so it will look a little wonky for a bit. I promise this isnt my first time coding.

who is kaynsu? and why are they so weird and off putting...

Hi! That was rude. I'm Kaynsu, or better known as Frumpy. I'm bad at coding and non-diet soda gives me a headache.


I like to keep my websites small and organized, with minimal pictures or crazy impressive codes. I'm thinking of changing that though. This website would be all dark and edgy, but I love pastel colors too much... Click the arrow to find more. :=) (warning: its not finished - dont click it!!)

This website might look a little stupid! I'm still fixing it.

frumpy survey !

Full name: Frumpy

Nicknames: Kaynsu
Birthplace: You’re not going to believe it.
Birthday: 4/11
Where Do You Live Now: Can't remember!!!...
Parent(s): I'm an orphan
Sibling(s): – don’t ask me about him, I hate him.
Looks: Fairly ok. Depends on how I feel that day.
Favorite Animal(s): I like dogs
Favorite TV Show(s): Television is totally fukt! I like to watch my dreams.
Favorite Kind(s) Of Music: Mainly punk + some electronic and industrial stuff.
Favorite Movie(s): The Girl Next Door
School: The bad one…
Future School: N/A
Future Job: N/A
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Can’t say…
Best Buds: Ashtyn
Favorite Candy: Probably the rain.
Hobbies: Making funnies.
Things You Collect: Porcelain angels and dolls.
Do You Have A Personal Phone Line: No
Favorite Body Part Of The Opposite Sex: Face? I don't know.
Any Tattoos? What and where: None
Piercing(s) And Where: Septum + Nose stud.
What Do You Sleep in: Shirt and socks
Do you like Chain Letters: Indescribable hatred for it.
Best Advice: Don’t listen to me.
Favorite Quotes: Something about a Worm and a Holy Grenade.
Non-sport Activity You Enjoy: I’ve been trying to get into skateboarding again.
Dream Car: I don’t know.
Favorite Thing To Do In Spring: Nipahhh… (_ _ ) . . z Z
What’s Your Bedtime: I fall asleep around 7:00 AM.
Where Do You Shop: I usually walk into shops in the mall and refuse to buy anything. They hate me.
Coke or Pepsi: Diet Coke.
Favorite Thing(s) To Wear: Anything I can find.
Favorite Subject(s) In School: N/A
favorite Color(s): Yellow.
Favorite People To Talk To Online: Ashtyn
Root-Beer or Dr. Pepper: Kill ‘em all!
Do You Shave: Often.
Favorite Vacation Spot(s): I like small beach towns designed for tourists.
Favorite Family Member(s): Momma
Did You Eat Paint Chips When You Were a Kid: Never.
Favorite CD you own: Electric Wizard – Witchcult Today. Maybe my Buddy Holly one too.
The ONE Person Who You Hate The Most: You!!! Get off my page!!!
Favorite Food(s): Soup.
Who Is The Hottest Guy or Girl In The World: Trent Reznor...ngh...
What Is Your Favorite Salad Dressing: Ranch.
When You Die, Do You Wanna Be Buried or Burned Into Ashes: Burned into ashes.
Do You Believe In Aliens: Not quite, but I like to draw them.
If You Had The Chance To Professionally Do Something, What would You Do: I don’t know. Quit asking weird questions.
Things You Obsess Over: Gmod Games, Politics (to an extent), and Time travel.
Favorite Day of the Week: Saturday
A Teacher You Hate: All of them
Favorite Disney Movie: Not sure. I don’t watch them because I can’t afford any streaming services.
What Is Your Favorite Season: Winter.
What Toppings Do You Like On Your Pizza: Pepperoni.
Do You Like Your School Food Itself (As In The District Food): I don’t eat it.
If You Could Live Anywhere, Where Would You Live: Oregon looks nice.
Favorite Thing(s) To Do On Weekends: Sometimes I drink.
Favorite Thing(s) To Get Cleaned up: My room
Favorite Magazine(s): Fuck them all!
Favorite Flower(s): There’s a yellow-orangish looking one I like, but I can’t remember the name. I’m not a flower enthusiast.
Favorite Number(s): 17.
Favorite Ice Cream flavor(s): Ice cream gives me a headache.
What Kind of Guys/Girls Are You Attracted to: Any
What’s Your Most Embarrassing Moment: I'm always embarrassed.
If You Could Change One Thing About Yourself What Would It be: Everything.
Do You Eat Breakfast First, Then Brush Your Teeth, or Brush your teeth first, Then Eat Breakfast: I don’t eat’s gross. I just brush my teeth.
Favorite Time of Day: Night time. I like it when it’s really quiet.
Can A Guy and Girl Be Just “Best Friends”: Sure.
Do You Ask The Girl / Guy Out Or Do You Wait For Them To Come To You: I wait for them to confess.
Do You Mind Paying For Sex: Yes. I don't think I'd do that.
What’s The Most Important Thing In Someone’s Personality: I guess whatever made me attracted to them.
Do You Have a Pager or Cell Phone: It’s broken, and I don’t feel like spending money.
Favorite Sport: Hockey looks cool.
What Was the Best Gift You Ever Received: Ahh, I don’t know. (っ- ‸ - ς)
How Long Did This Letter Take You To Finish: My watch is broken.
What Did You Listen To While Completing It: Ashtyn.
Are You, or Would You Like to Be Married in the Near Future (next 5 years): No.
